Informational precautions represent the first important step in personal precautions. To be prepared for an emergency, first, increase the general knowledge on causes of flooding and other other induced hazards.
Flood protection and water resource management
Risk management and climate risks
This subject is concerned with quantitative methods for analyzing large-scale water resource problems. Topics covered include the design and management of facilities for flood control and other activities related to water resources.
Institution: TU Delft
Language: English
Type of material: Online course
Target audience: (Technical) professionals
Suitability evaluation:
In this lesson, students grapple with the threats to natural habitats and are trained in their perception and evaluation of space. By locating natural hazards in space, they are able to identify conflicts of land use and make location decisions.
Institution: Lehrer-online
Language: German
Type of material: Training material
Target audience: Students
Suitability evaluation:
Participants will learn about the interactions between flooding and land use. In addition to the causes of flooding, the focus is on land-use solutions to reduce flood hazards. No prior knowledge is needed to complete each unit.
Institution: Webgeo
Language: German
Type of material: Online course
Target audience: Students to general public
Suitability evaluation:
In this course following topics will be studied: What are Nature-based solutions (NbS)? How can they help build resilience to disasters and climate change impacts? How can I apply NbS in my work and everyday life?
Institution: SDG Academy
Language: English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Hindi, Arabic Bahasa
Type of material: Online course
Target audience: Professionals
Suitability evaluation:
This kit has been developed with the view to enhancing the coping capabilities of disaster-prone communities in the Arab States region and the dissemination of the technical knowledge in natural disaster reduction to build the capacities.
Institution: UNESCO
Language: Arabic
Type of material: Training material, information material
Target audience: Teachers, students, workers
Suitability evaluation:
This report demonstrates occuring challenges due to climate change and provides guidance to enhance the resilience of infrastructure. Examples of emerging good practices in multiple countries are also given.
Institution: OECD
Language: English
Type of material: Information material
Target audience: Governments, businesses
Suitability evaluation:
This policy guidance informs and gives advice on the integration of climate change adaptation into core development activities. It provides information about priorities for action differentiating between national, sector and project level.
Institution: OECD
Language: English
Type of material: Information material
Target audience: Development co-operation agencies, policy makers, practioners
Suitability evaluation:
This report provides guidelines to include natural disaster risk reduction into development planning. In the guidelines a disaster risk assessment methodology is introduced, which demonstrates computational and GIS techniques related to the Phillipines in detail.
Institution: NEDA and UNDP/EC
Language: English
Type of material: Information material
Target audience: Local government, communities
Suitability evaluation:
This report provides recommendations to build a resilient infrastructure focusing on transport sector investment projects. In order to ensure appropriate resource use, a climate change assessment is taken into account for the development and design of infrastructure planning.
Institution: ADB, GCA
Language: English
Type of material: Information material
Target audience: Planning and finance ministries
Suitability evaluation:
This report is the fifth IPCC Assessment Report and provides an overview over the knowledge on climate change with evidence, future projections and adaptation and mitigation strategies.
Institution: IPCC
Language: English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish, Korean, German
Type of material: Information material
Target audience: Planning and finance ministries
Suitability evaluation:
This report is the sixth IPCC Assessment Report and informs about the latest advances in climate sciences. It is divided into a summary for policymakers, a technical summary and the full report as a comprehensive assessment.
Institution: IPCC
Language: English
Type of material: Information material
Target audience: Professionals, policymakers
Suitability evaluation:
This report, which is part of the sixth IPCC Assessment Report, assesses the impacts of climate changes on the natural world and humans. It analyzes the imposed risks and adaptive capacities demonstrating pathways, barriers and limits.
Institution: IPCC
Language: English
Type of material: Information material
Target audience: Professionals, policymakers
Suitability evaluation:
This course teaches an understanding of disaster risk reduction and resilience strengthening. How can ecosystem management tools be used to reduce the risk of disasters? Which ecosystem management tools and ecological engineering solutions exist?
Institution: PEDRR
Language: English, Spanish, French
Type of material: Information material
Target audience: Practitioners, policy makers, engineers, urban planner, businesses, students
Suitability evaluation:
This report focuses on the importance and benefits of including children into adaptation and disaster risk reduction actions. It categorizes into “child targeted” and “child led” adaptation programmes.
Institution: UNICEF
Language: English
Type of material: Information material
Target audience: Professionals
Suitability evaluation:
This report presents insights into the experience in building climate and disaster-resilient infrastructure and reports on future investments to be taken in the Asian and Pacific region.
Institution: ADB
Language: English
Type of material: Information material
Target audience: Professionals in international development and finance communities
Suitability evaluation:
This project is aimed at making children more resilient to disasters by making schools safe and secure. ASSI supports schools with safer teaching-learning facilities and providing training and skills in disaster reduction.
Institution: IFRC
Language: English
Type of material: Information material
Target audience: Professionals, teacher
Suitability evaluation:
The ADPC provides manuals handbooks around disaster risk reduction and resilience building. They include publications on nature based solutions for landslide risk mitigation and interventions in the agriculture sector.
Institution: ADPC
Language: English
Type of material: Information material
Target audience: Professionals
Suitability evaluation:
This report gives a conclusive summary on community based disaster risk management. It provides practitioners with theories and essential tools in community work. The concepts of community managed implementation, participatory assessment and action and a gender conscious approach are introduced.
Institution: ADB
Language: English
Type of material: Information material
Target audience: Professionals
Suitability evaluation:
This online game aims at raising awareness for children regarding protecting cities against disasters during building and planning villages and infrastructure. It includes five natural hazard scenarios that need strategic planning.
Institution: UNDRR
Language: English
Type of material: Online game
Target audience: Children
Suitability evaluation: